Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hail to a Queen (Terza Rima)

Many may have attempted to replicate

the ambition of this divine black tower

but her quiet presence they can’t emulate

Bystanders see a frail woman of color

missing the chance to congregate with a queen

whose essence is pure and that of valor

Her knowledge a deviation from the mean

birthing a nation, educating a world

her mind should not be mistaken as routine

Some are fortunate to exalt such a pearl

for there is a brilliance only she displays

a natural beauty her mind shall unfurl

A beckon of light, she has shown us the ways

generations before us had to master

patience to witness freedom these present days

Representing a true woman of stature

she teaches the lessons of humility

by living her life, not disposed to lecture

Her enduring spirit no one can capture

A queen’s true worth not revealed in this picture

Erika G © 2006

A Terza Rima is a poem with
an eleven syllable count in each line
and a rhyming scheme of aba, bcb, cdc, dd.
For even more of a challenge,
try the Terza Rima Sonnet.
This form of poem has an
eleven syllable count in each line
and a rhyming scheme of
aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee.

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